Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update on Ashton's MRI

Ashton had an MRI last month of his back and spine...his left leg has been getting tighter and today we met with his Neurosurgeon at CHOC to see what the results were.  His dr said that he needs a surgery to repair the tethered cord on his back.  Basically, the surgery that closed his back when he was first born (due to his Spina Bifida) has a lot of scar tissue built up around it and he needs to have that scar tissue scraped off of his spine so that he can have full leg motion again and we don't want his legs getting any tighter.  Sounds scary, right?  Well, he has an awesome dr. who hopes this will give him a little more leg function and make him more comfortable.  So, as of right now we are scheduled for surgery on May 18th at CHOC and he will be in there for a few days for recovery!!  Of course I am extra nervous because by that time I will have a newborn and for the last 4 years I have been able to drop everything and just focus on Ashton...I'm sure with all of our help from family and friends, we'll be able to adjust and things will go smoothly!!

As far as baby Parker goes, nothing new!!  Tomorrow will be exactly one week till we get to see this little man for the first time!!!  I am excited and nervous but really ready to get him out...I think he's running out of room!


  1. This is a great way to get the latest news and updates on Ashton and Parker.

  2. Awwww!!! So cute! I love the updates and we are all excited to see little Parker! Kelsey jut asked me AGAIN if that baby is still in your tummy! :)
    Best wishes to Ashton through his surgery! We will be praying for his comfort and a speedy recovery.
